Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Grass/Land - Haying All Done


The crew from a neighboring farm came after work and helped us bring in hay until 10:00 at night for two nights in a row.  It is such hard work.  We rented a smallish, low-sided U-Haul trailer in Kiowa and pulled it behind our pick-up.  They also use their pick-up truck.  There were 1008 bales in all.  380 80-85 pounders from our 20 acres and 628 60-65 pounders from our neighbor's field.  It had all dried out nicely and only got a little sprinkled on at the very end.  It was not enough to  matter.  We have the west end of the loft opened today and a dry breeze blowing to air out any lingering dampness.

The first night I only had water for the crew.  I wasn't thinking clearly that they were coming straight from work without  dinner. I did have a fresh pan of brownies to offer them before they went home and some fruit juice.  Not very satisfying, I'm afraid.  The second night I was better prepared with pizzas and a case of Coke.

It rained buckets as soon as we closed the barn door.  Without their help we would have had no useable hay.

1 comment:

  1. Finally had time to read this, Ruth Ann. Glad to hear that you got it all in with some great help! The rain has been astounding this year! Love the pictures!
