Monday, January 28, 2013

The Buildings - Sauna Progress

Sauna Progress

While I was languishing in a viral stupor over the weekend, my husband worked on the sauna.   I think he was trying to find an excuse for not breathing the same as that I was breathing - but I could be wrong.  He says that all that's left is to build the benches and install the rest of  the stove pipe - and we can fire it up!!  The exterior porch (which I didn't know about until last night) with its exterior shower will come later ...

This is the panelled changing room.

This is the panelling in the sauna proper.

And there is a view of Pike's Peak out the window.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Food, The Buildings, The Riding/Training - A Lost January

A Lost January

Since my last post, I had planned and even started posts on riding and training, food, and Christmas decorations at the farm.  But then the flu bugs got me and the flu bugs' complications, and before I knew it, January was almost gone and none of the posts were completed.

Suffice it to say, it has been warm and dry, and cold and dry and frigid and dry and the wind has been blowing.  I rode Gus once in my neighbor's indoor arena before I got sick and hope to do it again if I ever get well enough and the weather turns bad again.  Right now it it sunny and still and in the fifties.  I can ride down there, only going a few dozen feet on the road, and it is so nice to get in out of the elements.  It is dusty, so I will have to water it, but no one is really using it right now, so I feel lucky that they are willing to share.

Last Saturday my husband and I were both healthy (we were between illnesses), the weather was super,  and we got Gus, Prima and Elvis ridden.  It was the first time since mid-December.  The horses were fresh, but amazingly well-behaved, considering.  By Sunday my husband was ill and by Wednesday I was too.  Hopefully this will be the last of it for this year.  I'm tired of it!

As for the food - we did some interesting things with the goose ...

and goose soup this year, but it seems past the season when anyone would be interested in that ... so I can write it down next year. 

And the decorations were fun, but again, too late to be of interest.  


I made a great and simple chicken stew out of one of the old hens and the last of  the potatoes, onions and carrots from the garden.  I think it is what saved us from the jaws of death when we were ill.  But I didn't have a recipe, I didn't take any pictures and I can't remember exactly what I did, so that is lost to the ages as well.

Onward into the New Year!