Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Riding/Training - Why There Have Been No Posts Since April

Why There Have Been No Posts Since April

I usually reserve this section for reports on the training, health and progress of the horses.  But "Riding" is in the title too, so in the interests of telling the bad with the good I am going to give you a timeline of what has gone on with my back this year.

2013 Back Pain Timeline


2/10                 Woke up with a back spasm.  Started 150 mg.  per day of   Indomethracin: one 75 mg.
                         capsule morning and night.

2/19                 Acupuncture treatment.

2/21                 Saw Dr. Moritz.  She prescribed Tramadol (50 mg.) and Cyclobenzaprin (10 mg. )  Started taking 100 mg. of  Tramadol per day: with my Indomethcine morning and night.    

2/28                 Therapeutic massage.

3/9                   Took a sauna.

3/11                 Saw Dr. Green.  He prescribed an MRI.

3/14                 Got Tramadol refilled

3/15                 MRI was denied by Cigna when I showed up for it.

3/17                 Tried taking the Cyclobenzaprin.  I took one at 4 pm.  It took about 30 hours for me to feel like my brain was working normally again.  Won’t take any more of that drug.

3/20                 Started taking a third Tramadol at bedtime.

3/22                 Added treatment with the TENS machine and ice packs during the day.

3/25                 MRI

3/26                 Acupuncture

3/27                 Therapeutic massage

3/28                 I could not get out ahead of the pain with ice, TENS, and medication, so I started taking the maximum Tramadol prescribed: 2  pills every 6 hours.

3/29                 Noticed that I would run out of Tramadol on Sunday, so I called the pharmacy and Dr. Moritz’s office.  They said they would get it done.  I called the pharmacy in the evening and it was not done. 

3/30                 I called the pharmacy and it was not done last night. 


3/30                 Called Elizabeth family health – they did refill the prescription.  Picked it up.


4/1 – 4/3          Made it through partial work week on maximum Tramadol + ice + tens all day. 


4/4                   Injections!  Local wore off on the way home and pain returned.  Stayed off feet and back on full amounts of Indocin, Tramadol and continued ice packs.  Felt better.


4/5                   Pain back in the morning.  Continued medications and started hot packs and Tens.  Stayed off feet except for modified morning chores and a little cooking.  The tens became unnecessary and pain was managed well all day.  Dropped to 1 Tramadol every 6 hours at 4pm.


4/6                   Pain back in the morning.  Took 1 Tramadol at 4 am.  I slept a little more but pain got me up at 7:30.  It was less than yesterday morning but started hot packs and stretching and tens to get through breakfast and to the 10 am Indocin dose.  I never got the pain under control.  Went back to double Tramadol with Indocin, tens and hot packs.  Went to bed with a heating pad and slept pretty well.


4/7                   Alarm woke me for 4 am dose of Tramadol and I went back to sleep.  Awoke around 7:30 with severe pain.  Tens didn’t help, stretching didn’t help, walking didn’t help.  Nausea from pain.  Ice seemed to help a little.  10 am dose of  Indocin and Tramadol could not come soon enough.  Started to alternate ice and heat.  Really, I wished someone would just shoot me this morning because of the pain.  I began alternating ice and heat and eventually the pain levels began to subside.  I had turned a corner.  I dropped Tramadol to one every 6 hours and started taking 75 mgs. Indocin every 8 hours while I was awake. 




4/8                   Alarm woke me for 4 am doses.  Continued Indocin every 8 hours and 1 Tramadol every 6 hours.  Continued ice and heat and attached TENS to my leg before leaving for work, but never turned it on.  Worked until 2.  Home, light chores and rest.  Snow day tomorrow.   Took last dose at 8:30


4/9                   No alarm .  Slept until 8:30.  Woke up pretty comfortable.  Took Indocin and 1 Tramadol.  Continued ice and heat. 


4/10 – 4/25 Only needed Indocin – 75 mg every 12 hours and Tramadol with the evening dose.

                        I started to do light exercise, stretches and could stand to cook, wash eggs, etc.

                        4/24 had a wonderful massage – worked an 11 hour day though.


4/26                 Something has shifted.  I’m not sure what I have done, but pain is increasing again.  Barely made it through the last of the testing at school


4/27 – 28                     Stayed pretty much in bed all weekend.  Soaked, iced, heated, massaged, slept.  But I had to up my meds again (reluctantly) to 50 mgs Indocin and 50 mg. Tramadol every 8 hours.


45/1/2013                    Saw Dr. Charney.  He did labs.  Said I was managing things well and recommended that I see Dr. Wong.  I have an appt. for 5/9/2013.


5/5/2013                      Still on 150 mgs. Indocin, but pain is decreasing and I am able to be more active.   Dropped to 50 mgs. of tramadol at night only. 





5/10/2013                    Saw Dr. Wong.  He took Xrays and showed them to me and showed me the Xrays of people who do not have the conditions that I have.   My discs are black instead of white because of my Reiter’s.  I have 3 herniated discs:  the one at S-1/L-5, and the two above that one.  L-4/L-5 and L-3/L-4.  He wants me to swim, lose 20 lbs., do physical therapy, and get the other two discs injected before turning to surgery.  He says when I need surgery it will be micro-surgery.


5/31/2013                    Had PT evaluation and got 3 exercises: double knee to chest, pelvic tilts, neutral pelvis with transverse abdominus.  I am to stop all other exercises.


6/1/2013                      Lots of pain today.  Stayed off my feet and started taking tramadol with my indocin and valerian root. 


6/2/2013                      Worse today: :(  pain kept me awake at night


6/3/2013                     Not going backwards down this road again!!  Even though it hurt, I swam 14 laps – Gave Faleena a lunge lesson and rode Gus for about 15 minutes.  W-T-C.  Resumed my old exercises and I feel much better!!  No tramadol at night and slept like a rock.


6/4/2013                     PT today.  First day of real therapy.   Bike, exercises, presses, ice.  No tramadol and did ok.  Shopped without the motorized cart.
So, since June 4th, I have finished my PT and done 2 of a proposed 6 acupuncture treatments.  I am
off all drugs and pain free.  We got an above ground pool and I am exercising in the water almost 
every day.  I am riding almost every day and able to do all my normal activities.  I am doing the
exercises I got from physical therapy and their
stretches every day.  I feel it if I don't.  When I have symptoms, they are numbness and tingling, not
pain any more.  I have decided not to do the two injections recommended by the surgeon as I am pain
free.   I still have to lose the 20 lbs.  I know there are no guarantees and this will probably happen
 again.  What was different about this time as opposed to previous events of this kind is:
The pain was the worst ever
I have no idea what I did to bring it on
It lasted a LONG time
Perhaps having the flu and being down for so many weeks in January and February made me weak?   
Perhaps I am getting old?  I really don't know.  But there were many days when I did not think I was
ever going to get back to normal... or anything approximating normal.


1 comment:

  1. The formatting on this post is strange. It looks fine in the draft and then when I publish is looks like it does above. Any suggestions?
