Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Art/Writing: Watercolor Beginnings

Watercolor Beginnings

I have been searching for a way to start painting again. I still need to clear out the studio to make it truly functional. But that has been less of a stumbling block than my not knowing where to start with the work.  My dear friend, Linda, who has nudged and cajoled me into this blog and into a writers group, also told me about a free app for my iPad that turns photographs into images that look like watercolors. I was skeptical - very skeptical. 

But it turns out that most of the photographs I take are the beginnings of watercolors, anyway.  It's the way my brain works and my eye sees.  And this app, while generalizing and inflexible compared to actual watercolors, is fast, and it lets me lay the ground work for thinking about the watercolors without actually having to take all the considerable time of laying them in by  hand.

Below are the first landscapes.  I am experimenting with printing them on different papers so that I can work back in to them with real watercolor, gouache, and/or colored pencil. 

Moonrise Over the Bijou


Sunrise 2

Sunrise Over the Bijou


  1. Your visualizing here will certainly help, won't it? I can't imagine that you know exactly how to start laying in the colors, but will love seeing your process. These are beauties, aren't they? But you doing it might give more satisfaction! Thank for sharing my name, but really the app is for those of us who can't do it for real! Love that you posted. Now you need to link up on Tuesdays with our slicers!
